Cryogenic Tumor Therapy

The Kubanda Cryotherapy system provides a simple, point-of-care, minimally invasive tumor treatment for pets that leverages cryogenic temperatures to kill tumor cells. A thin probe inserted through the skin enters the tumor and a custom gas-control module cools the probe to cryogenic temperatures. This process leads to the formation of intracellular ice crystals at the site of the tumor that freeze and kill the unwanted tissue. The system is readily able to be used in veterinary offices and offers a less invasive and more affordable option than surgery, chemo, or radiation.



The Design Process

Our team at Root3 Labs worked alongside the Kubanda team at several different stages of the design process. Initially, we assisted in building a small batch of probe sub-assemblies to be used by Kubanda for product testing. We identified off-the-shelf materials that would meet durability and temperature threshold requirements. Those materials were then used to build the assemblies in-house – including fabricating a custom fixture to facilitate brazing! Then, we tested the product for performance under the high pressures that would be expected during use. 

Design for Manufacture

In the next phase, we worked with Kubanda to design key components that would improve usability, performance, and manufacturability. Our team updated the design of the tip coupling and several internal components that would further develop the product. We then obtained quotes to identify vendors for production components. Then, we built prototypes using a mix of parts 3D-printed in-house alongside precision-machined items from outside vendors.

Since the completion of that phase, Root3 Labs has continued to partner with Kubanda to augment their in-house team in a flexible, as-needed arrangement. We’re able to provide them with an engineering perspective related to the product. This could consist of consulting on things like cost-reductions, functionality improvements, risk mitigations, contract manufacturing, and more.

Handling Design for Manufacture is a part of our unique development process. Learn more about the services we offer, and see how we can help with your challenging problem today!



  • Gaseous CO2 Analysis
  • Thermodynamics
  • High-pressure Testing
  • Design for Manufacturing
  • Ease of Use


  • 3D Printing
  • Brazing
  • CNC Machining